Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I just saw this video posted on facebook, made by RC (who is one of the full time staff), and I had to share it. It shows scenes from Youth Camp and Adult Camp, which I was there for, but also their Family Camp and Ski Camp. It is too good not to share now. And by good, I mean a good video, and it brings back good memories :] Enjoy!

I was so privileged to serve alongside these people.

I also read a statistic, and tried to look up an actual source, but all I could find were unofficial estimates. All stated that France's population is less then 5% Protestant. No, they aren't what we would consider a 'developing' country, but that doesn't mean they don't need Jesus. Please say a prayer for France. Say a prayer for these kids.

Thank you again, for reading!

"May they be brought into complete unity to let the world know that You sent me and have loved them even as you have loved Me."
-Jesus, from John 17: 23.


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