Saturday, July 24, 2010

Short Update

Hello internet world, friends, and supporters!

I just wanted to write a quick post to let you know about a few things!

1) Yes, I am still alive. And I did in fact make it to France. As I'm sure you know, or have assumed by now :]

2) This will not be a book post. Sorry to dissappoint, but everytime I type up a post, I am unable to write without sounding a big fragmented, and I can't seem to finish them. So I think that when I get home, I will sit down, say a prayer, start writing down the important stuff and expanding. I just can't write you an unfinished post. It would go against my conscience! So, you must wait for all the details, I am sorry.

3) We only have 8 days left, including today.. Which is crazy! We have had overall a fantastic trip, and I am excited about seeing how God will use this next week, and about coming home to you. Tomorrow we leave on our second hike, which I pray goes as well as the first. Hiking makes me nervous. Well, I think it's trying new things that makes me nervous. After that, we will have four days left with the adult campers before we leave next Sunday morning, probably around 4:30 or 5am.

Say a prayer for the relationships we are building with these campers,
pray that we would continue to live out Camp des Cimes' motto, of being "a haven in France for God to save the lost and strengthen the found."
Pray for the youth campers we had the two weeks previous to this one, that they would find outlets for questions, and encouragement,
Pray for the staff here, as we are all fighting either exhaustion or sickness
pray over the hike, that we would stay warm and not be injured or ill, and that we would connect with each other and God in a new way,
pray that we are able to take hold of what God has set before us to do
that we would finish well, and leave a touch of His hand.

Thank you for all the prayers you have said for me, our team, this camp, and the students. I assure you, God is moving in Camp des Cimes. You will hear how I have seen it soon enough!
Until then, God bless. I will leave you with a verse that has been particularly encouraging to me in the last week:

"And so we know and rely on the love that God has for us..."
1 John 4:16


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